Top 3 Reasons Why You Need Testimonials to Sell More
So, you’ve got this amazing product and a great launch plan, and you are sure your products will sell out…but, here’s the crazy plot twist – your post-launch sales performance wasn’t anything near a success.
So, what exactly did you do wrong? Well, probably nothing – but there’s a good chance that people did not trust you enough to try out your product or services.
It doesn’t matter if your company already has a full-blown website, great products, and impeccable customer service – people want something that’ll give them the assurance that they can trust you, and that’s where testimonials waltz into the big picture.
You might think getting testimonials is a hassle, but you’ll be pleasantly surprised at the difference they can make to your business.
You only need one, but here are three good reasons why testimonials help you sell more and grow your revenue.
Testimonials Give You Credibility
Whether you are offering digital marketing as a service or selling accessories online – the competition is tough. Consumers are faced with a myriad of choices, so you need all the help you can get to have an edge over your competitors. Nothing tells a potential client that you are trustworthy better than a testimonial.
Testimonials are one of the first few things people will check out before deciding to do business with your company. Testimonials also give your company, product, or service credibility. So, if you want to sell your product or service, you need to convince your potential customer that you are credible, and testimonials are just what you need to achieve that.
They Serve as a Means of Identification
If you work with the best digital marketers in Nigeria, you’ll realize why testimonials are a must-have for your business. The truth is that people are naturally wired to always find a common ground with other people and this can come in handy for your business.
Your prospects are likely to identify with your customers who are providing the testimonials. They have similar concerns, problems, hopes and desires. So, it doesn’t matter how good you are when it comes to branding a product, if your prospects can’t relate to the solution you claim to offer, they’ll probably not consider buying it. But, testimonials can turn the tables in your favour.
Testimonials Serve as Proof
When you launch products, you need to provide proof that your products work – testimonials help you do that. Proof, alone, is reason enough to gather and use testimonials. Having something as simple as “they are the best digital marketers in Lagos” or “the best marketing agency in Lagos” or even “my skin looks clearer after using Product X” from customers on your website, can significantly drive your revenue through the roof. Testimonials are one of the best branding communications strategies to show your client that your products or services are authentic.
For many reasons, testimonials give your prospects the confidence they need to buy from you for the first time. But, as we said earlier, garnering testimonials may be a challenge for some businesses, especially new ones. You should work with an excellent brand & marketing agency like us.
At Etu Odi, our team of expert marketers and digital content specialists will help you navigate the best strategies to get and employ testimonials for your business.
Ready to start selling more? Let’s talk.